It's Your Business

As the owner of a business, we recognise you didn't start it to shuffle paper. You probably love the challenge of starting the business, are skilled in ideas generation and leading people. Our team at Creed Development is passionate about partnering with big and small business owners to help them achieve their goals. Your problems are our challenges! We have delivered assistance and solutions to a wide range of businesses, all of which share the same desire to improve their current financial situation and results. Request a complimentary business evaluation and learn what would be the best strategies for you to pursue in the rapidly changing corporate environment. We’ll help you to hit the ground running.

We are here to help

Backed by expertise in business consulting, we are here to help.


Administering the finances isn't what you want to focus your time on, nor do you necessarily have the specialist skills to ensure you build wealth as your business grows – whether big or small. Perhaps you need assistance to manage cash flow. Perhaps you just need help taking the business from adolescence into adulthood


Our fees are affordable - only pay for the time you need!

We know what drives financial success for SME businesses

Strong reputation with professional and financial providers

Exceptional service levels and high quality output

Our proven track record of success and hands on approach

Our clients

We have the privilege of working with some of the most well known companies in the world and we don’t take this lightly. Our clients engage us in a number of ways—we help them solve business problems, increase visibility and help them thrive in a networked world where customers and employees have become increasingly empowered. We view our clients as partners and work collaboratively with them to achieve results they can measure.

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